Well and Sanitation Project, Kumasi Ghana

Well and Sanitation Project Yapato, Peru

Dialysis Equipment Project Karnataka , India
The Holmen Rotary Club's International Committee announced this Rotary year's projects that the club has agreed to support. International projects allow the club to partner with other club's around the world to address needs and make it a much better place. Funds allocated to international projects are matched at the district level and again at the Rotary International level. The $5K HARC budgeted will grow to $14K by the time it reaches those in need. And projects done in the states also receive funds from clubs in other countries. For example, the Rotary on the Go Coulee Region mobile clinic received funds from Rotary Clubs in the Netherlands and Germany. There are three global projects receiving HARC money, water and sanitation projects in Kumasi Ghana and Yapato Peru and dialysis equipment for Karnataka India. The Kumasi project is being done with Rotary Club of Montreal and includes 54 wells and 506 public microflush toilets. This will affect the lives of 46K people in the small community of Kumasi Ghana. The Yapato Peru project is similar, with new water system and public sanitation facilities for the community of Yapato. This project is being done in partnership with the Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch, Florida. The Karnataka project will provide 6 additional dialysis machines to a public hospital in Karnataka India. A local doctor's group has committed to provide the support services for free. This free clinic will provide over 600 life saving treatments a month to an underserved population in India. HARC is partnering with the Rotary Club Hubli Center, India to help make this project a reality. Other local Rotary Clubs participating in this project is La Crosse After Hours, La Crosse Downtown and Wisconsin Dells. Members of HARC visited the hospital during a recent Rotary friendship exchange trip and bore witness to the need. Local Club participation in these projects and international exchanges help foster communication, understanding and connections to folks all over the world making it a much smaller, friendlier place.