August 4th at Moon Tunes, Rotary turned the keys of the new Rotary on the Go mobile clinic over to Jason Larson, Executive Director of St. Clare Health Mission. St. Clare Health Mission exists to provide preventive, primary health care, and specialty services for those without access to insurance and healthcare. Those participating in the St Clare Health Mission initiative share a belief that all individuals, regardless of financial status, are deserving of basic health care, and that all share in the benefit of that care. St Clare has been providing free care from their clinic located on Ferry Street in La Crosse since 1992. The mobile clinic will allow the mission to provide care in the rural surrounding communities to folks unable to make it to the La Crosse location. This $250K mobile clinic is the result of a two-year collaborative effort by 10 Coulee Region Rotary Clubs, 3 Rotary Clubs from the Netherlands, and 1 from Germany, utilizing your donations, Rotary District grants and Rotary International grants to make it happen. The Holmen Area Rotary Club is honored to be part of this effort. I am sure it will be affecting people's lives in a positive way for years to come. For more info go to http://stclarehealthmission.org/