The Holmen Area Rotary Club was glad to host Rotary District 6250 Governor Bill Pritchard at their August 12th meeting. Bill is a Holmen native and this was his 285th club visit. Bill went on to explain the theme for the year "Rotary Opens Opportunities". With today's Covid challenges we have been forced to change how we do things. This has not been all bad. Take the ZOOM meeting for instance, Rotary meetings are now accessible to folks that weren't able to make it before. Even holding room and ZOOM hybrid meetings open the door to new participants. Membership has still remained strong and increased in some ways. Dealing with the virus has made us become more creative in solving problems, like how the HARC Service Auction went from a room full of people to an online format. His suggestion was to now dust off the club's strategic plan and ask; "Why do we exist?" and " What do you do?" given the changing environment. Bill also talked about After Hours member David Knutson, who was the ultimate Rotarian. David would not say no whenever the need for serve arose He believed that saying YES to service leads to a happy life. Bill had asked all the clubs in the district to identify the member that most exemplified David's Rotary spirit. HARC's Executive committee chose Scott Ryan as the YES recipient. Scott generously donates his time, was a past president, is uber involved in the youth exchange program, RYLA and Interact. Scott received a plaque with the Ben Franklin quote " What good shall I do this day?" Congratulations Scott! A well deserved honor.