At the July 17th HARC meeting, the club met this year's Short Term Exchange Students. The Rotary Short term exchange program joins interested youth in a low intensity exchange situation that is part vacation-part education. The student is paired up with another individual from a distant country. The home student's family hosts the distant student for 3-4 weeks and then the home student travels to the distant student's home for 3-4 weeks. Students have a chance to share their culture and also learn about how other people around the world live, work and play. The Short Term Exchange Program gives the students a little taste of what the year long Youth Exchange Program may be like. Programs like this make the world smaller with every exchange.
This years participants are Holmen Interacters Hailey Bruegger and Chloe Lichucki who are sharing their homes with Laia Aibar Vidal from Miranda de Ebro Spain and Maria Blanco from Barcelona Spain. They were coming to the end of the home visit and would be traveling soon to Spain for the second portion of the program. Their description of what they had done the past couple of weeks sounded like a version of Ferris Buehlers Day Off, with lots to do and plenty of adventure. Welcome to America Laia and Maria!
This years participants are Holmen Interacters Hailey Bruegger and Chloe Lichucki who are sharing their homes with Laia Aibar Vidal from Miranda de Ebro Spain and Maria Blanco from Barcelona Spain. They were coming to the end of the home visit and would be traveling soon to Spain for the second portion of the program. Their description of what they had done the past couple of weeks sounded like a version of Ferris Buehlers Day Off, with lots to do and plenty of adventure. Welcome to America Laia and Maria!