The bed building project has been completed. Thursday October 8th, Alex Goodman and Adam Fleis delivered the remaining beds to their intended recipients. The excitement from the Children and Family’s when they showed up was incredible. The euphoria of giving fills a void that is so desperately needed right now.
The Holmen Area Rotary Club started this project the middle of last year. The School District of Holmen identified children in need of a bed and provided this list to the Holmen Area Rotary Club. The club stepped up and using club manpower, donated funds, materials and district grants to provide a total of 42 beds for those community children in need. The beds were a mix of bunk, twin and queen size beds depending on the need. Queen size beds were required in some instances where the room size did not allow two twin beds. Each bed included a custom built headboard, frame, new box spring and mattress combo, linens, blanket and a pillow. A special thank you to those area vendors that helped with the effort - to the folks at King Furniture in Holmen for supplying the box springs and mattresses at their cost, for Ameridown and Beer By Bike Brigade for providing the pillows and Wisconsin Building Supply for a portion of the lumber used for the headboards. The special Rotary emblem was burned into the headboards by Tulips and Treasures out of Arcadia.
Though the initial project has been completed, the need continues and HARC will revisit this issue in the coming months and assess where it can help.